Zimmer frei

Hotel Mariandl

13. Oktober. 2015 19:00


Participating artists:
Simone Kessler, Johannes Evers, An Laphan, Bianca Patricia, Federico Delfrati, Timur Lukas, Lenka Richterová, Mari Iwamoto, Despo Sophocleous, Johannes Karl, Julia Pfaller, Moritz Kipphardt, Anton Bošnjak, Gülbin Ünlü.
Mehmet Dayi
Type of exhibition:
See also:

The artist project ZIMMER FREI in the Mariandl has been a popular part of Munich’s independent art scene for 16 years and enriches Munich’s art landscape every year with its authentic and diverse character. Also
This year, Munich artists will once again occupy some of the rooms and creatively disrupt our everyday hotel life with their site-specific projections, installations, stagings and performances. Every year, I am delighted by the artistic transformations of my hotel rooms.
I would like to thank the artists for their commitment and the Cultural Department of the City of Munich for the many years of good cooperation.

Rudi Bayer